Who's Got Dirt Podcast

Monday, April 1, 2013

Am I the only one seeing this B.S.

Attention Rappers: Please stop shitting on your supporters!

What has happened to rap music? I have been a fan of rap music dating all the way back to the early 80's. I have watched the content of rap music deteriorate over the years and it saddens me. The music that is played now is all about materialistic content. Is this music supposed to be good music? All it does now is make me mad because it seems as if these rappers that are the most popular are talking about us and straight shitting on its fans and supporters. Then they lie openly to us. Example Drake talking about starting from some so called bottom but its a  well known publicized fact that Drake has never personally seen the bottom of anything but a soda bottom. Why is it  that these out of contact with reality are celebrated so much when all they talk about is making millions of dollars and flaunt it in our faces. We support these rappers everyday. How blind are we? When is somebody going to realize this is blasphemy? Im sick and tired of this and I wish someone else would stand beside me and say something about this issue or at least question these rappers like I am trying to. I need your support because this is straight DIRT that needs to be addressed immediately!!!

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